Hanner Marathon Gogledd Cymru, Conwy


Swansea Watersports is a family run business which has been up and running for more than 20 years. During that time we have developed a wide course skills base and a large fleet of boats.

When we first started the business we were fortunate to offer 5 courses. Since then we have been able to develop our staff and skills, and to date we are offering more than 20. This means that we are able to offer a wide range of courses, appealing to customers from both a cooperate background to individual pleasure boaters.

We pride ourselves on offering fantastic quality courses at reasonable prices, to find out more about what we can offer you, please browse our website or give us a call.



  • Trwyddedig

Cyfleusterau Digwyddiadau

  • Mynediad am ddim

Dulliau Talu

  • Derbynnir Grwpiau

Parcio a Thrafnidiaeth

  • Hygyrch drwy drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus

Plant a Babanod

  • Croesewir partïon ysgol
  • Cyfleusterau newid babanod

Map a Chyfarwyddiadau

Swansea Watersports

Canolfan Chwaraeon Antur

4 Fishmarket Quay, Maritime quarter, Swansea, swansea, SA11UP

Ffôn: 07989839878

Amseroedd Agor

Diwrnodau agor 2025 (1 Ion 2025 - 31 Rhag 2025)
Dydd Llun - Dydd Sul09:00 - 17:00
Crimtan Placeholder
Crimtan Placeholder